There are currently 48 Participating Governments (PGs) of the NSG.
Table listing the 48 Participating Governments and their respective year of adherence.
Argentina (1994)  Cyprus (2000)  Ireland (1984)  New Zealand (1994)  South Africa (1995) 
Australia (1978) Czech Republic (1978*)  Italy (1978) Norway (1989) Spain (1988)
Austria (1991) Denmark (1984) Japan (1974) Poland (1978) Sweden (1978)
Belarus (2000) Estonia (2004) Kazakhstan (2002) Portugal (1986) Switzerland (1978)
Belgium (1978) Finland (1980) Latvia (1997) Romania (1990) Türkiye (2000)
Brazil (1996) France (1974) Lithuania (2004) Rep. of Korea (1995) Ukraine (1996)
Bulgaria (1984) Germany (1974) Luxembourg (1984) Russia (1974) U.K. (1974)
Canada (1974) Greece (1984) Malta (2004) Serbia (2013) U.S. (1974)
China (2004) Hungary (1985) Mexico (2012) Slovakia (1978*)  
Croatia (2005) Iceland (2009) Netherlands (1978) Slovenia (2000)  

(* Czechoslovakia separated into the Czech Republic and Slovakia – participation date 5 Mar 1993)

2024/2025 NSG Chair Country: South Africa
The European Commission and the Chair of the Zangger Committee participate as observers.

On What Basis are the Participation Decisions Taken?

    Factors taken into account for participation include the following:

  • Be able to supply items (includes transit items) covered by the Annexes to Parts 1 and 2 of the Guidelines;
  • Adhere to and act in accordance with the Guidelines;
  • Have in force a legally -based domestic export control system that gives effect to the commitment to act in accordance with the Guidelines;
  • Be a party to the NPT, the Treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Pelindaba, Bangkok, or Semipalatinsk, or an equivalent international nuclear non-proliferation agreement, and in full compliance with the obligations of such agreement(s), and, as appropriate, have in force a full-scope safeguards agreement with the IAEA;
  • Be supportive of international efforts towards the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of their delivery vehicles.